Next Edition 2026

Tanznacht Forum

The Tanznacht Forum takes place every other year, alternating with Tanznacht Berlin. Primarily discursive formats are then accompanied by performative works to discuss current issues in contemporary dance.

The forum began in 2015 with Visionärer Widerstreit (Visionary Conflict), a program of discourse concern- ing the creation of visions around produc- tion conditions within contemporary dance. Three dialogues were initiated in 2017 under the title unsettled landscapes to ask where aesthetics in contemporary dance draw their keywords form - (dance) histori- cally, politically and culturally. In 2019, the forum discussed artistic working methods that regard the audience as co-performers and no longer as spectators.

In 2022, the Tanznacht Forum dedicated itself for the first time to decidedly intersectional feminist perspectives in the form of the apap Feminist School Berlin.

Presented by Tanzfabrik Berlin

Tanznacht Forum takes place every two years. The next edition is expected to be held in 2026.

  1. Photos: Dieter Hartwig, AnnA Stein