Everyone who is not able to be in Berlin at the moment but would still like to receive more insight into Berlin’s independent performing arts community, can find some inspiration, for example, in the media library for dance and theater of the International Theater Institute. Tanzforum Berlin also offers an excellent selection of performances and productions from the dance community for viewing after the respective performance has passed. Also of interest for dance enthusiasts is the information that there will soon be the TanzArchiv Berlin, the Berlin Dance Archive, which will an artistically edited platform for making work in dance archivization visible in Berlin.


What’s more, the project Performing the Archive is just getting started – a publicly accessible digital platform where documents and materials related to artistic productions and working processes can be recorded in the form of meta data.







Is something missing? Do you need any other information? We are happy to answer any questions that you may have! Belén Marinato and Catherine Launay are looking forward to hearing from you and to receiving your questions.




If you happen to be asking yourself whether it is worth attending a current dance production or if, as a curator, you would like to know more about the productions in Berlin, than Tanzschreiber is definitely a helpful portal for you.