  • Performance
  • Dance
  • Music
  • Discourse

HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU 1

HAU Hebbel am Ufer, with its three venues HAU1, HAU2 und HAU3 and the digital stage HAU4 is a paragon of current artistic positions at the interface of theatre, dance and performance. In addition, music, visual art and theoretical debates are a constant component of the wide-ranging programme. Since 2012 under the direction of Annemie Vanackere and her team, HAU is one of the most highly regarded and well-connected of international production houses. Both co-productions and touring productions by renowned artists and groups from all over the world are produced and shown here, as well as projects coming from the German and Berlin independent theatre and dance scenes. HAU provides production and touring management for selected artists. HAU stands for innovative formats that frequently attract attention far beyond Berlin, and provides impulse and inspiration for other art and culture producers. Festivals and thematic focal points are also a part of the programme, as is the Houseclub, especially targeting young people, where artists and students regularly work together side by side. With artist talks, introductions for groups and cooperation projects, HAU to connect creates a variety of connections. In addition, HAU Hebbel am Ufer puts on one of Europe’s most renowned dance festival every year, “Tanz im August”.

HAU Hebbel am Ufer operates three stages in three neighboring houses as well as one digital stage: HAU1 is a Art Nouveau building from 1908. The auditorium has 2 tiers with around 550 seats. The HAU2 and the HAU3 are black box stages with a capacity of 200 and 100 seats. The digital stage HAU4 can be reached at

Number of seats: from 100 to 550
Number of stages: 3
Stresemannstr. 29
10963 Berlin