  • Music Theater
  • Music

Neuköllner Oper

Berlin's fourth Opera House is unique in the diverse cultural scene of the capital and looks back on a productivity of 220 world premieres and debut performances in all genres in only 40 years. The Neukölln Opera is market leader and trademark for a vital, committed, and “deviced” musical theatre – opera is more than new productions of a known and limited repertory to which a few new commissioned works are occasionally added. The Opera is living proof that musical theatre can and needs to be self-made in order to bring our own life experience and subject-matters onto the stage, thus making mutual experience and exchange possible. 

As mentioned above, a theatre of that kind is a unique trendsetter in the operatic landscape of Berlin and Germany that is rich with forms, institutions, and subsidy. While the institutions commit themselves to answering the unchanging questions – meaning the interpretation of known works -, the Neukölln Opera goes the other way, asking new questions (inventing new pieces) and toying with possible answers.

Number of seats: 220
Number of stages: 3
Karl-Marx-Straße 131-133
12043 Berlin