For Independent Performing Arts

Acud Macht Neu
The initiative ACUD MACHT NEU operates three spaces at Kunsthaus ACUD: the Club, Studio and Gallery. The aim is to ...
Acud Theater
[...] The ACUD Theatre is a place for young, innovative and diverse theatre, building bridges between acting, dance, performing art, ...
ada Studio
ada Studio is a workspace for Berlin based emerging choreographers at Uferstudios for contemporary dance in Berlin-Wedding. Here, young professional choreographers ...
Alte Feuerwache
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Alte Münze
The Alte Münze is a former mint in Berlin-Mitte on the riverside of the Spree, where a place has been ...
Astrid Lindgren Stage
The Astrid Lindgren Theatre is committed to the credo of its namesake: Like the world-famous Swedish author of books for ...
Atze Music Theater
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ausland is an independent venue for music, film, literature, performance and other artistic endeavours. We also offer our infrastructure for ...
Ballhaus Naunynstraße
Ballhaus Naunynstraße in Berlin-Kreuzberg stands for an artistic practice that has sustainably changed the German-speaking theater landscape: post-migrant theater. It was founded by Shermin Langhoff in 2008. Under the direction of Wagner ...
Ballhaus Ost
Ballhaus Ost in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg is a venue for independent theater, performance, dance, music theater and music. As an experimental ...
Ballhaus Prinzenallee
Ballhaus Prinzenallee is a venue for theater, dance, performance, music and community projects. The artistic programming brings a variety of ...
bat Studiotheater
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Berliner Ringtheater
The Berliner Ringtheater is a production venue where sociocritical New Drama and performative forms of presentation are staged. Its self-acclaimed ...
BKA Theater
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The Brotfabrik Bühne (Bread Factory Theatre) in the Weissensee district of Berlin is an independent venue for touring shows and ...
CFB Berlin
The Centre Français de Berlin (CFB) is a french-german cultural centre in Berlin-Wedding with many different activities in the fields ...
Chamäleon Theater
The CHAMÄLEON Theater in Berlin Mitte stands for contemporary circus - a comparatively young form of the performing arts between ...Circus Schatzinsel
Circus Schatzinsel is a new circus in, with and for Berlin. Amidst the hustle and bustle of Kreuzberg, there is ...
Club der Polnischen Versager
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Cordillera - Raum für Körper und Utopien
CORDILLERA in Oberschöneweide, Berlin, ist ein Arbeits- und Präsentationsort für regional ansässige sowie international tätige Künstler*innen. CORDILLERA erlaubt die Entwicklung künstlerischer Projekte im transdisziplinären ...
Das Weite Theater
english description followsDeutsches Nationaltheater Fritzenhagen
english description followsDie Wiesenburg
The Wiesenburg is a cultural center in Berlin Wedding. With several studios, workshop spaces, recording and rehearsal rooms, as well ...
DOCK ART, the performance space at DOCK 11, is part of Berlin's diverse theater landscape. As a permanent venue, the ...
DOCK 11 | EDEN*****
DOCK 11 EDEN ***** combines the areas of production, pedagogy and presentation in contemporary Dance spatially as well as structurally ...
English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center
English Theatre Berlin | International Performing Arts Center is the German capital's only producing and presenting organization in the Hauptstadt ...
Expedition Metropolis (ExMe)
For more than 20 years, Expedition Metropolis (ExMe) has been on a voyage of discovery with plays, workshops and research ...
Fabriktheater Moabit
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FELD Theater für junges Publikum
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Figurentheater Grashüpfer
Figurentheater Grashüpfer is a small, intimate performance venue in the middle of Treptower Park. Since 1997, up to 16,000 visitors ...
Fliegendes Theater
FLIEGENDES THEATER in Berlin-Kreuzberg has been very popular among both young and old for many decades. Performance forms such as ...
Galli Theater Berlin
The Galli Theater Berlin is a popular place for art, culture and encounters in the center of the capital. It ...Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt
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Globe Berlin
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GRIPS Hansaplatz
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Halle Tanzbühne Berlin
The Halle Tanzbühne Berlin is the production and performance venue of the cie. toula limnaios and its guests. In 2000, ...HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU 1
HAU Hebbel am Ufer, with its three venues HAU1, HAU2 und HAU3 and the digital stage HAU4 is a paragon ...
HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU 2
HAU Hebbel am Ufer, with its three venues HAU1, HAU2 und HAU3 and the digital stage HAU4 is a paragon ...
HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU 3
HAU Hebbel am Ufer, with its three venues HAU1, HAU2 und HAU3 and the digital stage HAU4 is a paragon ...
HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU 4
HAU Hebbel am Ufer, with its three venues HAU1, HAU2 und HAU3 and the digital stage HAU4 is a paragon ...
Heimathafen Neukölln
In 2009 the theatre company Heimathafen Neukölln launched a new folk theatre in Berlin´s most multi-cultural district Neukölln. With the ...
HfS UNTEN | HfS OBEN | HfS Probebühnen
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Hotel Continental - Art Space in Exile
Hotel Continental – Art Space in Exile is an independent center for cultural and artistic production dedicated to support artists ...
Jugendtheaterwerkstatt Spandau
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K77 Studio
The K77 is a small studio and venue in Prenzlauer Berg in a formerly occupied house, which still exists today ...
Katalpult is a studio for the contemporary performing arts in Berlin. It is organized by and for artists and is ...
Kleines Theater
English description will followKOBALT Figurentheater Berlin
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LAKE Studios Berlin
LAKE Studios Berlin is a shared living and dance production space for 9 diverse residents (short and long term). They ...
Born in 2011 somewhere in the core of Berlin Friedrichshain, Liebig12 is an atelier & community oriented initiative run by ...
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Monbijou Theater | Märchenhütte
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Neue Bühne Friedrichshain
As a free stage, we want to be host to a wide variety of national and international groups and artists. ...
Neuköllner Oper
Berlin's fourth Opera House is unique in the diverse cultural scene of the capital and looks back on a productivity ...
Oyoun conducts sociocultural and artistic perspectives that emphasize neurodiverse and class-critical perspectives throughout Berlin and internationally with the goal of ...
Pfefferberg Theater
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Prime Time Theater
On January 10, 2004, the Prime Time Theater launched its stage sitcom Gutes Wedding, Schlechtes Wedding, which, with over 130 ...
Puppentheater Felicio
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Q Space
Q Space is a contemporary circus space in Berlin, welcoming professionals, adults, and children. We provide professional circus artists and ...
Since its opening in September 2006, Radialsystem V has established itself on an international scale as a privately funded, innovative ...
RambaZamba Theater
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Ratibor Theater
The Ratibor Theater is the home of Die Gorillas – a 15-person improv ensemble founded in 1997 at the intimate ...
Schaubude Berlin
As a Senate-sponsored venue for the theater of things, the Schaubude Berlin has become a central platform of the genre ...Schlossplatztheater
english description followsShakespeare Company Berlin | Theater am Insulaner
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The Sophiensæle is one of the most important locations for German-speaking independent art-production. Artists from Berlin, as well as the ...Spreehalle Berlin
SPREEHALLE Berlin provides high-voltage art with internationally known musicians from the fields of electronic music to jazz and all the ...Statttheater Lichtenberg
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Mime Centrum Studio 2
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tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg
Since january 2018 artists and artist collectives kainkollektiv (Bochum), suite42 (Berlin), France-Elena Damian (Berlin) and Anna Koch/Moritz Pankok (tak e.V. ...
Tanzfabrik Berlin Bühne
Tanzfabrik Berlin is a place for dance art, choreography and performance. It offers space for rehearsals, production, artistic and ...
TANZKOMPLIZEN is the first performance and production venue in Berlin that exclusively and continuously brings dance for young audiences to ...
Tatwerk | Performative Forschung
TATWERK focuses on supporting artistic creation and making it accessible to the audience. A network has formed around the multifunctional ...
TD Berlin
TD Berlin is a theater in the middle of the city, centrally located between Alexanderplatz and the Spree river. It ...Theater der kleinen Form
Since 2006 we have been doing children's theater in Berlin-Friedrichshain. The name is program: "the small form". In our inviting, ...
Theater im Delphi
The Delphi is a former silent movie theater from the year 1929 that has been reopened as an international center ...
Theater im Keller Berlin
The Theater im Keller - Circus of Travesty - was founded on January 3rd, 1987 and is open to its ...
Theater im Kino
Theater im Kino (nord) was opened at the end of 2006 and, thanks to its location, offers excellent accessibility to ...Theater im Palais
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Theater Jaro
Theater Jaro is a theatre for children between two and nine and their families. All of Jaro's plays are written ...Theater Mirakulum
english description followsTheater Morgenstern
english description followsTheater o.N.
The Theater o.N. is an almost 40-year old association of actors and puppeteers, directors, musicians and writers. Founded in 1979/80 ...
Theater Strahl, Kulturhaus Schöneberg
Founded in 1987 as an independent theatre group, Strahl has performed on two permanent stages in Berlin-Schöneberg since the end ...
Theater Strahl, Ostkreuz
Founded in 1987 as an independent theatre group, Strahl has performed on two permanent stages in Berlin-Schöneberg since the end ...
Theater Thikwa
Theater Thikwa is "Germany’s most well-known theater where artists with and without so-called disabilities come together to make theater" (rbbKultur) ...
Theater unterm Dach
The Theater unterm Dach is a production and performance location for theater projects produced within the independent performing arts community ...
Theater Verlängertes Wohnzimmer
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Theater X
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Theater Zitadelle
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Theaterforum Kreuzberg
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Theaterhaus Berlin | Mitte
For over thirty years, theaterhaus berlin has been a production centre and networking platform for the independent performing arts scene ...
Theaterhaus Berlin | Schöneweide
For over thirty years, theaterhaus berlin has been a production centre and networking platform for the independent performing arts scene ...
ufaFabrik is a public interdisciplinary space for culture in the south of Berlin. Culture, art, ecology and social togetherness have ...
Uferstudios for Contemporary Dance
The Uferstudios for contemporary dance are a rehearsal, event and training venue at the same time – created for and ...UNI.T - Theater der UdK Berlin
UNI.T – the theatre of the Berlin University of the Arts is unlike any other theatre in Berlin. As the ...Vaganten Bühne
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Vierte Welt
In 2010, the actors group Lubricat initiated the founding of Vierte Welt at Kottbusser Tor, located in the Neues Zentrum ...Villa Elisabeth | St. Elisabeth
Villa Elisabeth Villa Elisabeth, a historical protected building, impresses with its spaciousness. Through a foyer and via a wide staircase ...Villa Kuriosum
english description followsZebrano Theater
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